Wednesday, December 4, 2024

New Poem in Seawolf Journal


A poem from the manuscript,


has been posted



Connected to Seawolf Books, an independent bookstore and 
creative writing center in Port Orford, Oregon.

In early fall of 2023, Michaela and I were traveling down the Oregon Coast, between Lincoln City and Florence. We stopped at a place just south of Depoe Bay where we usually stop to use the public bathroom and possibly catch a glimpse of some gray whales. 


It was not whale migration time, but there’s at least 200 that live along the coast from California to British Columbia for 11 months out of the year and some of them are particularly fond of the Depoe Bay vicinity. And so…


As I was walking back to the car, in the cold rain, feeling somewhat grim and down, I caught something at the corner of my eye, at the bottom of a wave battered cliff. The rest is in the poem. 

You can find the link here.  

Here's the opening... 


Another Surfaced


Tired and sad, we walked to the edge.

A freezing drizzle fell on cliff grass,


onto my hood-visor; grim winter-

speech from gray waves tossing nets


of torn kelp onto the rocks below. Our

feet and hands, so cold, distant from


each other, from ourselves. Pale green

foam flew from a deep crevice, hung


above the ocean’s sweep…


You can find the poem here. 


Check out Seawolf Journal and Seawolf Books:


Also: previous blog about Gray Whales written long before I lived in Oregon.


 Near whale siting spot




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