
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Climate Strike Poetry: Diane Di Prima - Life Chant

Tomorrow school children and teens around the world are going to join together and strike.

There are going to be support gatherings everywhere. You can find one near you here:


If you're not near a gathering or if you tend to freak out in crowds (there's lots of us out there), you can join the strike remotely. Take some time tomorrow to focus on the collapse of the entire ecosystem of earth - and figure out how you can fit into helping create change.

 It's okay to do it alone, as the folks at AVAAZ say: "After all, this whole idea started with Greta Thunberg protesting by herself." The point is to join the movement in the way that works for you.

Basically: Help out the kids who are trying to save all our asses.

Greta Thunberg & George Monbiot


Here's a poem by poet, activist, anarchist, eco-alchemist (and poet laureate of San Francisco) Diane di Prima - a celebration of all the things that we will lose if we don't act. 

It's from the book, Revolutionary Letters (originally published in 1968, it is being re-issued in November 2019 by City Lights Books):

Life Chant (Revolutionary Letter #68)

cacophony of small birds at dawn
            may it continue
sticky monkey flowers on bare brown hills
            may it continue
bitter taste of early miner's lettuce
            may it continue
music on city streets in the summer nights
            may it continue
kids laughing on roofs on stoops on the beach in the snow
            may it continue
triumphal shout of the newborn
            may it continue
deep silence of great rainforests
            may it continue
fine austerity of jungle peoples
            may it continue
rolling fuck of great whales in turquoise ocean
            may it continue
clumsy splash of pelican in smooth bays
            may it continue
astonished human eyeball squinting thru aeons at astonished
                                                         nebulae who squint back
            may it continue
clean snow on the mountain
            may it continue
fierce eyes, clear light of the aged
            may it continue
rite of birth and of naming
            may it continue
rite of instruction
            may it continue
rite of passage
            may it continue
love in the morning, love in the noon sun
love in the evening among crickets
            may it continue
long tales by fire, by window, in fog, in dusk on the mesa
            may it continue
the night music
            may it continue
grunt of mating hippo, giraffe, foreplay for snow leopard
                              screeching of cats on the backyard fence
            may it continue
without police
            may it continue
without prisons
            may it continue
without hospitals, death medicine: flu and flu vaccine
            may it continue
without madhouses, marriage, high schools that are prisons
            may it continue
without empire
            may it continue
in sisterhood
            may it continue
thru the wars to come
            may it continue
in brotherhood
            may it continue
tho the earth seem lost
            may it continue
thru exile and silence
            may it continue
with cunning and love
            may it continue
as woman continues
            may it continue
as breath continues
            may it continue
as stars continue
            may it continue

        may the wind deal kindly w/us
        may the fire remember our names
        may springs flow, rain fall again
        may the land grow green, may it swallow our mistakes

we begin the work
            may it continue
the great transmutation
            may it continue
a new heaven and a new earth
            may it continue
            may it continue

Diane di Prima

Some books by di Prima:

The Poetry Deal  

"Loba is a visionary epic quest for the reintegration of the femimine, hailed by many as the great female counterpart to Allen Ginsberg’s Howl when the first half appeared in 1978. Now published for the first time in its completed form with new material, Loba, “she-wolf” in Spanish explores the wilderness at the heart of experience, through the archetype of the wolf goddess, elemental symbol of complete self-acceptance."

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