Wednesday, April 28, 2021

The No One Poems: standard paperback edition available


Another plug for

The No One Poems


The standard paperback edition and the limited edition

(different cover, beautifully bound) are both now available

at Thirty West Publishing.


Poet Lissa Kiernan,

author of Two Faint Lines in the Violet

& Glass Needles & Goose Quills

(a section of which can be found on this blog here)

wrote a review of the chapbook on her blog

and you can find it here.




To celebrate the fifth anniversary 

of Leaping Clear, the editors are posting art, 

poetry, essays, music, from past issues 

on their site, showcasing a different artist each week.  

This week they are showcasing some No One poems. 

You can find them here.



No One


Some other good things said about the chap:


The No One Poems offers a window into how all things are connected across space and time; the view from Christien Gholson’s window is disturbingly clear, and the view stretches beyond every horizon. Gholson’s metaphysical craft rewards readers in ways that linger long after his poems leave their lips. Gholson works where the fabric between worlds is thin and translucent; his vivid imagery, and distinctly New Mexican voice, work in tandem to tenderly and unflinchingly shine the light of darkness into all our hearts.


                                                                      Sky Island Journal




Christien Gholson’s The No One Poems offers a language alive with all the senses, including the mind and the heart. These poems leave nothing out, embracing each moment and each being they encounter: A dying pinyon tree, hare shit, meteor showers, Li Po, a coyote fence, men behind podiums at a press conference, the dead, hummingbird moths. Reading these meditations on the mysteries being everything while being no one, you may find yourself moved to “…send love out to everyone…” 

                                              Carolyn Dille, Editor, Leaping Clear


 You can find No One 

and The No One Poems 



No One